Lunar planner, Moon planner, Witches planner, Astrology moon calendar, Astrology lunar calendar, Lunar wall calendar, Lunar wall calendar, Lunar calendar 2022, Moon planner 2022, Moon phase calendar 2022

Time has always been important part of our life and we; humans has always been tracking it in different ways. Its not just important but an essential part of our survival too as if don’t track time and seasons than we will never be able to know which crop is going to grow at what time of year and hence there will never be enough food for us.


So, because of the importance of time tracking, we started using moon as a reliable source to track time and resulted in creation of Moon phase calendar. In past when following the moon motion to track days and time, moon was an essential part of people’s daily life. However, by time things made easier with more research and we were introduced with moon calendar.


Overview of a moon phase calendar

Moon calendar is also known as lunar calendar is all about the monthly cycles of moon phases and its motions. Moon calendar is one of the oldest calendars in human history. In easiest words a lunar month is one that occurs between new moons and full moons. The word month is derived from the word moon and each lunation is approximately 291/2 days. In ancient times moon phases played an essential tole in identifying the seasons as each season is consists of 3 full moons, with the help of lunar phases they also used to schedule their harvesting and hunting activities. However, today the lunar calendar or moon calendar is used for rituals like Easter, Ramadan, Chinese New Year and many other holidays that rely on lunar motions.


Detailed explanation


If you still don’t have any idea about how a moon calendar really works than read further.


Days in moon phases

On an average there are 29.5 days between each phase of moon. In some months its 28 days and in some its 30 days. However, what’s interesting fact is that moon takes 27.3 days to orbit the earth and to catch its motion on earth it takes us 2.2 days.


There are different lunar calendars used around the world e.g., Hebrew and Hirji start with lunar crescent and Hindu calendars starts with a new month or full moon.


There are so much that still not known by most of us about Moon phase calendars and I will try to cover little bit of each topic in each blog every week.


If you want to purchase Moon phase calendar 2022, kindly follow the link given.


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